of The Lodge of Unity No. 567 1849 – onwards

In 1970 there was some doubt as to who our ‘Mother Lodge’ was. Grand Lodge responded to a letter from W.Bro. Doughty stating…”Your lodge was in fact sponsored by Guys Lodge. The petition although in the usual form, is of a most unusual format. Not only is it signed by members of Guys, but also officers of Trinity who ‘Join in the prayer of the petition’. From this you will see that Guys was the sponsoring lodge and Trinity a kind of seconder.
However in 1973, not wanting to take any chances with his parentage, he wrote again and received the following reply…
“Referring to the original petition, we find that it was in fact sponsored by Guys and Trinity Lodges. Therefore, Lodge of Unity really has two Mother’s”. We never did find out who father was!
The Lodge was constituted at The Bulls Head Inn, Warwick, but Bro. King, who was appointed Worshipful Master in the warrant, was unable to take his place being ‘dangerously ill and unlikely to recover’. It was resolved that Bro. Barnwell be proposed as Worshipful Master.
In June 1850 they had a very busy evening when two brethren were raised to the 3rd Degree; one brother passed to the 2nd degree and no less that three candidates initiated.
A communication from Grand Lodge in 1863 stated that the numbers of lodges should be carried forward in regular succession, by filling of those numbers that had become vacant. Henceforth the Lodge of Unity would stand on the register as number 567 and not 828 as it was originally known.
In 1866 talks were held with Shakespeare Lodge to share their rooms. After discussions an annual rent of £10 was proposed which included coal, gas, and other extras except breakages. However Shakespeare Lodge declined the offer, declaring ‘The interests of the two lodges would be best promoted by their remaining apart’. It was a further sixty years before agreement was finally reached. Meanwhile the Lodge of Unity moved to the Warwick Arms Hotel.
March 17 1868, No lodge… The landlord of the Warwick Arms being unable to grant us the room on account of the Warwick Spring Races.
So the Lodge moved to The Woolpack Hotel.
December 1915 correspondence dealt with a letter regarding the purchase of a wagonette for the conveyance of wounded soldiers. The charity bag that night contained 12/3
The Lodge of instruction was formed in March 1929 and contunues to meet on the third Wednesday of each month October to March.
The following year W.Bro. Hadow, a regular visitor, presented to the lodge an Afgan Dagger, to be used by the Inner Guard. In making the presentation he explained that the dagger had been handed to an English Chaplain by a contrite Pathan, on his conversion to the Christian faith.

The minutes detail events that affected the members during World War Two and while no brethren suffered loss or serious injury, many saw active service. The Centenary Meeting was held here in the Great Hall of Warwick Castle. During the meeting the Prov. Grand Master presented the Centenary Warrant to the Worshipful Master and invested him as a Provincial Grand Officer. In 1960 our present rooms became available. Formerly a hotel they were larger than the existing rooms and the lodge became responsible for the sum of £4,000 in connection with the purchase and renovation of the property. The first meeting at Alderson House, as it became known, was the installation ceremony of Bro. Edwards in 1962.
Details were received in 1971 concerning the new Masonic Temple being built in Birmingham. It was felt that the following details would encourage brethren to give more generously towards the building costs…
The Temple contains 600 doors and has 2,000 light fittings. There is sufficient electrical cable to go to the top of Mount Everest and down the other side. But perhaps the most important detail is the fact that is contains a staggering 52 toilets.